Friday, May 18, 2012

A word.

A word. 

That's all I want in this first post: a word with you. I'd like to introduce myself and this blog, preview things to come, and hopefully, generate a little excitement in the process. Now, if you are already starting to feel that tingle, focus on something mundane and/or disgusting because you really don't want to blow your load on the first paragraph. The fun is just getting started. Take a deep breath, push your butt cheeks out, and take it one word at a time. No one is going to embarrass themselves today. Not on my watch.

Now, since I will be posting fun and interesting topics, tracking all aspects of my life, I am assuming that you, my future, beloved audience, will be filled with fun and interesting people. And to satisfy such a diverse and eclectic audience, I refuse to limit myself to one topic or theme. I have too much to say and too short of an attention span to break it up into separate blogs. 

This is not a "Personal" blog, although it will certainly have personal musings, tales of growth and my experiences, lessons from my failures and successes, revelations, and my unfiltered, honest perspective on the world and on life.  But, that sounds more like a journal than a blog. I'm new to this so I'm going to assume there's a difference and I will sprinkle these nuggets sparingly and sporadically throughout my posts. I will not journal at you. 

This is not a "Television" blog although I will likely be trashing some of your precious guilty pleasures while singing glorious praises for other shows that you may never have known existed. But being a TV critic blogger? Really? I don't know. This would be way too one-dimensional and even more cliche. If I did this, I'd hate myself, and then you'd have to hear me whine when I blogged about my personal life. It would destroy the blog from the inside out. Is that something you really want? No, it isn't. That's why I'm not doing just a television blog. Plus, I know that some people will dismiss my rankings since I've yet to watch Mad Men.

This is not a "Political" blog, although I can guarantee you will hear, and possibly disagree with, my anti--government sentiments and free market economic beliefs. For example, I think that law is force, taxation is theft, and any job that government does can be performed more efficiently by the private sector. This is not a "Ron Paul" blog either, but if you couldn't tell from the previous statements, I support the man wholeheartedly on all of his positions, especially foreign policy, monetary policy, and ending the War on Drugs. I can't talk about that all the time though for fear I'll be targeted by the feds. And it is really hard to be funny when talking about our country falling apart. That's why I'm not doing a political blog.

This is not a "Spiritual" blog, but I will be hypothesizing about esoteric and ethereal concepts, such as ancient super civilizations, cosmic dimensions, collective consciousness, the existence of mythical creatures, tying Buddhism to metaphysics, psychic abilities, and much more. I find these things fascinating and I'm not entirely sure that modern schools of thought have it all figured out. This is not a "Futurist" blog either, although I will always be throwing in my opinions on how technology can change the world and make it a better place. Personally, I think we already have unfathomably advanced technology hidden away at some super secret base, and the implications of releasing this information will be paradigm-shifting. Hell, the positive implications of legalizing Hemp would be paradigm-shifting. Anyway, this is a little outside the norm, so I'm not doing a spiritual or futurist blog.

Instead, this is a mixture of all of the above, and whatever else I feel like putting in (I know I'm really narrowing down the scope of topics). You can expect to never know what to expect, because I don't know what I'm going to write before I write it. It depends on my mood and what has my attention. But whatever is on my mind, no matter how unpredictable or off the wall, I promise it will be focused. While topics will vary, posts will stick to one topic. After reading my interests and opinions, I hope you will use the  comments as a great place for discussion and debate! Or if you want to punch me in the mouth cause I sound like a naive little bitch, just let me know and that'll be cool too! In future posts, I'll go through my certified list of 25+ TV show recommendations: countdown style. I'll track a few of my entrepreneurial ventures and new hobbies going forward and keep you up to date on the stages of development. You'll get to know me, and eventually, grow to love me in a weird internet freudian kind of way (at least I hope). And you'll have front row tickets to my mental breakdown when it finally happens.

To finish off my word, I'd like to acknowledge that if I honed in on just one topic, it may be easier to market this blog and to draw a lot of traffic. But, like all the kids are saying nowadays: "Fuck that!" It would just be way too hard to pick one.  I believe everything in this world is interconnected. I think all the crazy shit floating around in my head should be too, and this is my way of doing it. I hope you enjoy your time on this "blogspot" (is that even what this is called? should i start learning blogging lingo? blingo?) and find it to be a safe and warm environment. 

Cozy and comfortable. 

Safe and warm.


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